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Emily WebbOffline

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My name is Emily Webb. Sometimes it is difficult to tell people what I do nowadays. On the surface, it seems like I have ever-changing, multiple careers; but underneath it all, it is weaved together by a greater purpose. I have worked as a board-certified podiatrist for over 20 years. From the thousands of patients I had the privilege to serve over the years, I witnessed and learned the importance of the intricate connection between our physical health and mental/spiritual health. Gradually, my life career took a different direction towards spiritual healing in the last several years. Immersing in my mindfulness meditation practice has deepened my spiritual faith that all is inclusive and loved. At this time, I teach this practice to anyone and everyone who shows interest. In the last year, I also have been called to work with people at their end of life. The greatest joy in my life is when I connect with people at a deep, heart level. My non-judgmental, loving awareness, open hearted, nothing-needs-fixing presence may be comforting for someone who suffers from the fear and anxiety about death and dying. In my experience, guided meditations can be a useful tool as well. It seems everything that has happened in my life has prepared me for this present moment. It is a beautiful interconnected journey we are on. Helping one another. Walking each other Home.
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